Friday, November 14, 2008

Reader's Block...

I presume im having a Reader's block. I have a problem with finishing the books i start to read. I was an avid reader once mainly during school and college days. Even after joining work, i used to read once in a while. Now its almost a year and a half since i read a book. During this period i started reading many books but wasnt successful in completing them. On our trip to US(that was almost six months ago), i started reading Jeffrey Archers "The prisoner of birth" and still im on the 80th page! Can I blame my laptop for this? I think i can!! coz most of my time are now spent with my laptop.

As others, i started my reading with the usual mystery series like secret seven, Nancy drew, Hardy boys, Fear street. Then there was the girls stuff like the Sweet Valley high and the Enid blyton's Malory towers. There was a short mushy romantic mills and boons period. But got bored of those soon since the stories were always the same. Then i happened to read "The windmills of God" by Sidney Sheldon. It was a grt experience and so i started reading his novels.. Meanwhile read the Eric Segal's "The class" and Jeffrey Archer's "Kane and abel" which took me to yet another magical world of fiction and suddenly i had so many authors and so many books to get hold of and within a short span of time i finished reading almost all the books of these three authors. My favourites of Eric segals are "The class", "Doctors" and "Acts of Faith" and that of Jeffrey Archers are "Kane and abel", "Not a penny more,not a penny less", "First among equals", "Sons of fortune" and "Shall we tell the president". In between read a lots of books of various authors like Dan Brown, Tagore, Paulo Coelho, Chetan Bhagat, John Grisham, Arundhati Roy and some new writers. Dan brown's "Angels and demons" is my yet another favourite.

Seeing my reading pattern and my favourite authors and favourite books, if you know any book or any author which can bring me back to the world of reading, please scribble that as your comment.


Nithin said...

try 'chirakodinja kinaavukal'...will put u rite back on trackk!

Reghu Anguswamy said...

did u read three mistakes of my life??? i did it in one night :)

Nisha said...

Hey I had the same problem in between...just read "Word of Honor" by Nelson De Mille. I literally could not put it down in spite of knowing that I have tons of work to do :-)

rAmEsH said...

bobanum moliyum...poompatta...balarama...

Anand N said...

great authors like Chetan Bhagat???... Gimme a break!!!

Renuka said...

@nithin: you mean sreenivasans?i have already read

@reghu: is it chetan bhagats?will try to get that..thanks :)

@nisha: Let me search for that book in our library. Thanks for your comment.

@ramu: lol...How do u manage to get those books in Texas? the blog carefully.. havent used the term "great author"..