Friday, December 5, 2008

How do i look?

My blog looks different.. isnt it? Yesterday afternoon i was indulged in embellishing my blog. I made it a three column template, more use of the real estate available, though i had to edit the HTML code. Thanks to Mr. K for his HTML tips. But it may seem to you that other than the 3 columns, everything else remains almost the same the images, colour, font and all.

I tried many permutations and combinations of colors and fonts. But nothing seemed perfect to my eyes or the apt way to say is that my eyes were glued to the blog's previous look. So is the case for me with all other stuffs even the silliest, one example being changing the furniture arrangements in our room. I was quite against it when Mr. K put forward the idea.

All of these prove one thing. I am very much resistant to changes. Long time back i happened to read the book "Who moved my cheese" by Spencer Johnson. The book describes about the changes that can happen in life and work and how we need to embrace and enjoy it. He conveys the message through the story of two mice and two people and their hunt for cheese. I read it twice. But i guess i wasnt permeable to the message in that. Or maybe i was.. Though I fret over the changes, there is a point at which i get used to and start loving it.

Love your comments on the nouveau look. Suggestions always welcome.


Razigan said...

Your font and the look of the blog need not change. They are perfect as it is, giving a gentle and poised look for Renuka.

"Who moved my cheese" is a great book and as the book says, change is inevitable. But that change doesn't mean changing clothes, furnitures, blogs, spouses etc that too for sake. It means the change for a purpose / growth.

Was it a humorous reply? I don't know

Nikhil Narayanan said...

Good one.
You don't like Change?
Obama will shoot you down!
aah, whatay sad joke :D


Activity said...

you planning to become a full time blogger i see.

dont worry, theres always a market for that!

Renuka said...

@razigan: Moving furnitures is a change for purpose :D

@nikhil: thanks..

may become a full time blogger