I was always curious about Modern art paintings. maybe becoz till recently, i have seen modern arts only in some malayalam movies :D. In those movies modern art is either shown as a mixture of some colors or some imprintation of the hands or some inexplicable combination of these two. So i wasnt sure whether thats the real modern art or were they making fun of that!! So when we went to washington dc, i insisted on visiting the art gallery to see some real modern art paintings. There we saw this painting, five rectangles painted in five different colors..and the name given to this painting was "Tiger"!! I tried to find some description about the painting which relates this to the animal tiger or which inspired the painter to name it as tiger. but unfortunately there wasnt any. I shud have taken the audio tour for the details..
Is this really the modern art..or am I too conventional to enjoy a work of modern art.
Tiger, eh ? lol !
a student of Arts and then a course xclusivly on indian arts later on ... but the jokes n fun apart life is still the same ....
but you seem to be really interestd in the stuff
Hey! i thought you really liked that painting when you were standing in front of it for around ten minutes! Anyways good post!
are you now in a position to understand the "andakadaham"? ;-)
Really it takes a creative mind to understand one. I've also been to some art galleries/museums. Infact I've been to one of those live painting sessions in an art gallery in Dallas. The artist was into modern/abstract knife-painting. (They use oil paints and painting knives only to get a painting done.)
Have a look.
Tiger for this one hmm....never know what the artist had in mind when he did it.
@arvind: yeah..tiger!!!
@deeps:yeah..im interestedin painting...
@kishore:i was searching for the description!!
@ravikuttan:Yes..i can explain that now :D
@aditya:visited those sited..liked some of his paintings...
The painting was no way related to the animal tiger, not to the naked eye. My professor and other graduate students had a conversation over lunch about modern art. We were all in agreement at the crap that sells for thousands of dollars. I remember the scene from the movie "Mazha Peyyunnu Madallam Kottunnu", Mukesh drawing some crap and calling it Modern Art. http://in.youtube.com/watch?v=PhFu5XQt8PQ...lol
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